Optrel - Swiss Air

We protect the professionals

  • Service

    Lighting and Set Assistant
    Location: Laaser Marmor, Hafner EC, Johannes Parder, Massivholzverarbeitung, in our Studio

  • Project

    Concept: We developed an image video and photos for Optrel, showcasing their SwissAir product in its working environment. Collaborating with Bocek Visual Storytelling, we focused on presenting the product in an authentic and impactful way.

    Preparation: We selected appropriate locations and ensured the necessary equipment was ready.

    Execution: The shoots were challenging, but thanks to our preparation and flexibility, we were able to make the most of the locations and effectively highlight the product.

    Post-Production: In post-production, we refined the footage through editing, color correction, and retouching to achieve the desired outcome.

  • Credits

    Photo: Klaus Peterlin
    Light, Set Assistant: Jan Kusstatscher
    Concept, Video: Mirko Boceck
    Set Assistent: Andrea Sperafico

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