Mein Beck

The alternative breakfast

  • Service

    Concept & Photography
    Food styling, Set design
    Location: our Studio

  • Project

    We frequently encounter exciting and challenging projects, and the City Light campaign for Mein Beck was no exception.

    Despite the trend towards AI and computer-generated images, we continue to rely on traditional photography to maintain full control over quality, precision, and the final result. Our goal: to showcase our clients' products as authentically and attractively as possible.

    For this project, we carefully selected, painted, and arranged the perfect props like plates, cutlery, and bowls, along with choosing an ideal paper background. With a predefined layout and color scheme, we were able to compose all visual elements into a cohesive final piece directly on the monitor.

    The result is a visually striking display that perfectly highlights the products. Take a look behind the scenes and see how we bring such shoots to life in our Behind the Scenes video.

  • Credits

    Concept & Photography: Klaus Peterlin, Constanza Marini
    Set-Assistant: Jan Kusstatscher, Constanza Marini
    Postproduction: Martin Braito

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