
The soul of wine

  • Service

    Concept, Photography
    Lighting, Set Design 
    Location: in our Studio

  • Project

    In this unique project, inspired by our roots in South Tyrol’s wine country, we worked closely with Elisabeth Pföstl to creatively explore and represent 42 different wine aromas through a high-quality photographic process. Elisabeth Pföstl supported us throughout the conceptual phase and played a key role in styling the glasses to ensure the project’s success.

    The challenge lay in capturing the essence of each aroma by filling elegant wine glasses with carefully selected elements. Sourcing a wide variety of products, fruits, and other objects to accurately depict the aromas required significant time and effort. Elisabeth’s expertise in both the project planning and glass styling helped ensure that each element was arranged harmoniously.

    To create a timeless and elegant aesthetic, we focused on precise color coordination, using similarly toned elements within the glasses. Minimalism was a key design choice: set against a black background, only the fine edges of the wine glasses are visible, while reflections and glare were intentionally minimized. Our goal was to create the finished image directly in front of the camera, reducing post-production to a minimum.

  • Credits

    Photo: Klaus Peterlin
    Concept: Klaus Peterlin, Elisabeth Pföstl
    Food Styling: Elisabeth Pföstl
    Set Assistant / Post Production:  Martin Braito

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